Can I access library books if I can't visit the library in-person?


Print books:

As a seminary student, you have several options for accessing print books.

1. If you live near another theological library, you may be able to benefit from our ATLA library reciprocal borrowing program. This allows you to use and borrow books from member seminary and college libraries. See this page for a list of participating libraries. To use this program, email us at and we'll prepare a letter of introduction that will allow you to open an account at a partner library.

2. If you need access to a specific chapter or article from a book, we can provide a scan. Email us at to send us your request.

3. In certain circumstances, we may be able to mail a book to you. Fill out the Book Mailing Request form in the services menu of the library website, and we'll work with you to get you what you need. 



Ebooks are available to students through the Theology Library website. To find them, use the OneSearch tool on the library's homepage. Ebooks will be among the search results you receive.

If you want to see only ebooks in your search results, click the "Source Type" button at the top of the search results page. Then, click the box for ebooks and click "Apply."


  • Last Updated Oct 10, 2024
  • Views 65
  • Answered By Shaelagh Martin

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